Aleksandrs Solženicins “Gulaga arhipelāgs”

Unabridged original pdf scans - volume 1 (I-II) 671 pages; volume 2 (III-IV) 717 pages; volume 3 (V-VII) 579 pages.

The Gulag Archipelago is Solzhenitsyn's masterwork, a vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators and also of heroism, a Stalinist anti-world at the heart of the Soviet Union where the key to survival lay not in hope but in despair. The work is based on the testimony of some two hundred survivors, and on the recollection of Solzhenitsyn's own eleven years in labour camps and exile. It is both a thoroughly researched document and a feat of literary and imaginative power.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
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RE: Aleksandrs Solženicins “Gulaga arhipelāgs” - LvSnor - 2025-01-03 19:33

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