sphinx [lokalais] meklētājs
Nu visi kas veidojuši www zin, ka jāpielabinās "lielajiem meklētāju dzinējiem", bet tas vienalga jūs neglābs, ka viņi to darīs pavirši  un jūs vienalga viņiem "sīka zivtele".
Bet iespējams atbilde ir https://sphinxsearch.com/?

Citāts:Sphinx is a free, dual-licensed search server. Sphinx is written in C++, and focuses on query performance and search relevance.
The primary client API is currently SphinxQL, a dialect of SQL. Almost any MySQL connector should work. Additionally, basic HTTP/JSON API and native APIs for a number of languages (PHP, Python, Ruby, C, Java) are provided.
This document is an effort to build a better documentation for Sphinx v.3.x and up. Think of it as a book or a tutorial which you could actually read; think of the previous “reference manual” as of a “dictionary” where you look up specific syntax features. The two might (and should) eventually converge.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
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sphinx [lokalais] meklētājs - Forumotajs - 2021-06-19 19:03

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