2020-06-13 16:28
Turpinam uzlabot servera iestatījumus, jo TanoLiberation misija lika uzdot daudz jautājumus.
Izmantojam: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/serv...ile#Arma_3 ar šo sagatavi:
Protams izskatot un "uzlabojot" t.i., padarot spēli baudāmāku.
Izmantojam: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/serv...ile#Arma_3 ar šo sagatavi:
class DifficultyPresets
class CustomDifficulty
class Options
/* Simulation */
reducedDamage = 0; // Reduced damage
/* Situational awareness */
groupIndicators = 0; // Group indicators (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
friendlyTags = 0; // Friendly name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
enemyTags = 0; // Enemy name tags (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
detectedMines = 0; // Detected mines (0 = never, 1 = limited distance, 2 = always)
commands = 1; // Commands (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
waypoints = 1; // Waypoints (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
tacticalPing = 0; // Tactical ping (0 = disable, 1 = enable)
/* Personal awareness */
weaponInfo = 2; // Weapon info (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
stanceIndicator = 2; // Stance indicator (0 = never, 1 = fade out, 2 = always)
staminaBar = 0; // Stamina bar
weaponCrosshair = 0; // Weapon crosshair
visionAid = 0; // Vision aid
/* View */
thirdPersonView = 0; // 3rd person view
cameraShake = 1; // Camera shake
/* Multiplayer */
scoreTable = 1; // Score table
deathMessages = 1; // Killed by
vonID = 1; // VoN ID
/* Misc */
mapContent = 0; // Extended map content
autoReport = 0; // (former autoSpot) Automatic reporting of spotted enemied by players only. This doesn't have any effect on AIs.
multipleSaves = 0; // Multiple saves
// aiLevelPreset defines AI skill level and is counted from 0 and can have following values: 0 (Low), 1 (Normal), 2 (High), 3 (Custom).
// when 3 (Custom) is chosen, values of skill and precision are taken from the class CustomAILevel.
aiLevelPreset = 3;
class CustomAILevel
skillAI = 0.5;
precisionAI = 0.5;
Protams izskatot un "uzlabojot" t.i., padarot spēli baudāmāku.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs