Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:Takeda Shingen | 3656085
Dont worry, I understand if you dont want to rent them, I ask 2 because if anyonw tries to kick Japan from there and wni 1 RW, we will be able to attack it, while they will open RW in the 2nd region.
Anyway, your choise and I will respect. Just tell me please, if you can rent or not? If you rent we will pay, but even that someone else will come and fight us there and we will be kicked it will not affect payment, only for as long as our rent agreement wll continue we will try to get back from the country which may kick us from there.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:lvsnor | 3657844
I very careful look at this situation. The true is that Japan (and also Romania) is a enemy of Latvia. But how you know Latvia is friendly country, we can make a agreement. And for now we renting 2 regions until end of April. And you must keep Romania unbeatable in Kurzeme, so our RW be unsuccessful. If Romania fall in Kurzeme, we can change our stance in renting options.
Sincerely yours
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:lvsnor | 3657859
the situation is little bit absurd, because we in Latvia try to make some agreement, but while we wait for another try to beat Romania, we fight in other countries. And time to time I meet with you in same battles just in opposite side spreading our damage points. And as we agree, Latvia rent Japan 2 region - Vidzeme and Latgale at least until end of April. And want 100 gold for each region.
Sincerely yours
p.s. you cant be our friend if you without our prior agreement occupy our regions Occupation is not a friendly action. 
10 Apr 22 17:03
Takeda Shingen | 3657852
How is that Japan is enemy of Latvia? If we consider Latvia hostile we would attack to wipe, not talking about any agreement between our 2 countries. I don’t know your relations with Romania, but Japan and Romania are friendly and allied countries. I asked about rental of your two regions for Japan, and I was waiting for a NO or YES(and ammount of payment) for an answer, so it’s up to you. You decide what to do about.
Best regards o7
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:lvsnor | 3662155
bad thinks happen. Romania is leave Latvia. So can you give us one region?
Sincerely yours
Citāts:lvsnor[/url] | 3663886
Hi Masaharu Homma,
As I try indicate early, we dont like occupation. And we dont need a rent. But some friendly fighting is welcomed.
president of Latvia
17 Apr 22 12:34
Masaharu Homma | 3663884
Hi Ivsnor,
Thanks for your prompt response. Are you still okay with Japan being in Latvia? Japan is prepared to withdraw from the region at your request at any time.
Masaharu Homma
Regent Emperor of Japan
17 Apr 22 12:20
lvsnor | 3663882
Hi Masaharu Homma,
They ask me about renting Vidzeme, but I dont know answer yet.
president of Latvia
17 Apr 22 12:03
Masaharu Homma | 3663872
Hi Ivsnor,
Did Ukraine reach out to you about wanting to rent a region in Latvia?
Masaharu Homma
Regent Emperor of Japan
Citāts:Algore77 | 3663244
Tomorrow I will be the new Ukrainian CP. I want to develop Ukraine.
In this regard, I would like to rent the Kidzeme (Grain) region.
I am now in talks with Belarus to see if it will give me access.
Would you agree?
Moldova leased the region with Wheat to Bulgaria.
Best Regards,
PS: Finnish?
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:Algore77 | 3673131
In 2 days I will arrive in NW Russia. Now Im in Belarus, just passing through.
NW Russia will be rented for 2-3 months.
I want to expand to the West, Sweden.
I would like to rent from you the regions: Kidzme + Riga + Kurzme, for 2 months. Can you allow me?
If so, what is the rent / month?
I would also like to make an MPP between Ukraine and Latvia, considering that we also have Ukraine has an MPP with Chile.
What do you say?
with Respect,
Algore77 - CP Ukraine
Hi, as I promise you, we are ready rent Vidzeme. About way in Sweden. We can allow you go trought the Zemgale un Latgale, Kurzeme -> Gotland. After that we make MPP Ukraine to beat Sweden. This acctually mean you need rent only one region. This is a good plan. Price as I write is 100 Gold in month.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Citāts:lvsnor | 3673614
its okay. Way is open to Sweden.
Good luck
01 May 22 10:50
Algore77 | 3673487
Hi, my friend,
I would like to rent only the Zemgale un Latgale and Kurzeme regions.
Bulgaria is attacking us, we cannot keep the core regions.
So we move to NW Russia. From NW Russia we will need to rent your 2 regions - access road to Sweden, but also the connection with NW Russia.
Thanks for support!
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 438
Virtenes: 15
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Šito pārrunu rezultātus (lēmumus) vajag nopublicēt pašā edomā avīzē, gluži vienkārši lai pilsoņi, kas nav informēti par to, ka šādas pārrunas un vienošanās ir panāktas, lieki neiniciētu atbrīvošanas karus un, vēl jo vairāk, lai nesistu tajos uz pilnu jaudu.
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Patiesība ir gana ironiska, ja Ukraina netiek cauri mūsu pretestībai tad nav ko te amizēties. Savukārt es vairāk uztraucos, ka Bulgāri varētu iebilst, ka Ukraiņi kaut ko varētu uzvarēt
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Hi, my friend,
My proposal for Admin ... a duty-free one.
Admin agrees, but an article has been published in which to make a proposal, and if the players agree, more duty-free regions will be made:
Admin, I have a duty free proposal:
You can do a test, pilot, to see how it works.
- 4 states and 4 regions (1 region in each state);
- States: Ukraine, Finland, Latvia and Russia - we have chosen so, that we are all small countries as a military power;
- Regions: NW Russia (Ukraine - we are attacking tonight), Kidzeme (Latvia), Tartu (Finland) and St. Petersburg (Russia);
- 0% taxes, but 1 currency / company / region. Selling a product costs 4 different currencies (one for each country);
- It doesnt matter the quantity or the value of the products. The number of companies counts;
- and if a product is put up for sale in one region, the ad will appear in all 4 regions;
- the buyer must be moved to one of the 4 regions, in order to be able to buy the respective products. From the country that has that region he can see them on the market, but he cant buy them if he is not in one of the 4 regions;
- the possibility to buy them directly with gold, or to see the equivalent of the unit and total value in gold.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'320
Virtenes: 603
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Liekas man šī spēlīte ir beigusies  wtf? 
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs