Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Leading House Democrat Adam Smith calls on Biden to end presidential bid
Ranking Democrat on armed services committee says debate was ‘alarming’ and urges president to stand aside
Pārstāvju palātas vadošais demokrāts Ādams Smits aicina Baidenu izbeigt prezidenta vēlēšanās Bruņoto dienestu komitejā ierindotais demokrāts saka, ka debates bija "satraucošas", un mudina prezidentu palikt malā https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/arti...biden-quit
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
2024-07-12 17:58
(This post was last modified: 2024-07-13 13:26 by LvSnor.)
Projekts 2025 sasniedz 100 koalīcijas partnerus, turpina augt, gatavojoties nākamajam prezidentam
2024. gada 20. februāris 3 min lasīt
VAŠINGTONA — Mantojuma fonds šodien paziņoja, ka tā 2025. gada prezidenta pārejas projekts ir sasniedzis 100 koalīcijas partnerus.
Pols Dans , 2025. gada prezidenta pārejas projekta direktors, komentēja šo pavērsienu:
"Šis ir vēsturisks brīdis konservatīvajai kustībai. Kopš šī projekta uzsākšanas mēs zinājām, ka konservatīvajiem ir ļoti svarīgi nolikt malā domstarpības un sanākt kopā, ja mēs vēlamies, lai mūsu federālā valdība būtu viena no “cilvēkiem, no tautas un tautas labā”. Un sasniegt 100 locekļus mūsu konsultatīvajā padomē ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi. Amerikāņiem ir apnicis, ka viņu valdība tiek izmantota pret viņiem. Administratīvais štats labākajā gadījumā ir pilnīgi ārpus saskares ar amerikāņu tautu un sliktākajā gadījumā ir apbruņots pret viņiem. Mēs drīz sāksim vēsturisku federālās valdības reformu, lai tā atkal strādātu Amerikas tautas labā. Ar mūsu 100 locekļu spēcīgo koalīciju mums ir impulss, uzsākot šo kritisko gadu.
Projekts 2025 ir nepārspējams konservatīvās kustības vēsturē – gan pēc apjoma un apjoma, gan arī ar 100 dažādu grupu organizēšanu zem viena karoga. Koalīcija Heritage vadībā sistemātiski gatavojas veiksmīgai konservatīvai pārvaldībai mūsu valsts galvaspilsētā. Projekta 2025 četri pīlāri kopīgi pavērs ceļu efektīvai un vēsturiskai administrācijai: politikas programma , personāla atlase , apmācība un 180 dienu rokasgrāmata, lai 2025. gada 20. janvārī uzsāktu termiņu.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
2024-07-16 22:16
(This post was last modified: 2024-07-16 22:17 by LvSnor.)
Citāts:Tramps par viceprezidenta kandidātu izvēlas Ohaio senatoru Dž.D.Vensu
Donalds Tramps pirmdien savā sociālajā tīklā Truth paziņoja, ka par savu viceprezidenta amatu ir izvēlējies Ohaio senatoru Dž.D. Vensu. "Pēc ilgām pārdomām un pārdomām, kā arī ņemot vērā daudzu citu cilvēku milzīgos talantus, esmu nolēmis, ka ASV viceprezidenta amatam vispiemērotākā persona ir Ohaio štata senators Dž.D. Venss," viņš sacīja.
Mja, es vel joprojām esmu samulsis par to uzbrukumu viņam. Jebkurā gadījumā viņš ir nonācis uzmanības centrā, kas prezidenta kandidātam ir vajadzīgs.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Džila Steina: Trampa apšaudes simptoms “satrauktā” ASV sistēmā
Milvoki (AFP) — Tāpat kā lielākā daļa amerikāņu, Zaļās partijas prezidenta amata kandidāte Džila Steina sacīja, ka ir šokēta, uzzinot par iespējamā slepkavas mēģinājumu kampaņas mītiņā nogalināt Donaldu Trampu.
Izdota: 14/07/2024 - 07:38 Pārveidots: 14/07/2024 - 07:36
2 min
Trīskārtējā Baltā nama trešās puses cerība un galēji kreisā aktīviste sestdien Milvoki rīkoja sava veida pretkonventu, protestējot pret gaidāmo republikāņu nacionālo konventu, kad palīgs viņu pavilka malā, lai pastāstītu, kas notika Trampa mītiņā. Batlers, Pensilvānija.
Papildus riebumam, ko viņa izjuta par šādu uzbrukumu kādam prezidenta amata kandidātam, karjeras ārste Steina intervijā aģentūrai AFP runāja par plašāku strukturālo krīzi, kas vajā nāciju.
Kāds ir Trampa uzbrukuma plašāks konteksts?
"Tas, kas šodien notika ar Trampu, manuprāt, ir ļoti nemierīgas sistēmas simptoms šobrīd — es domāju nemierīgu politisko sistēmu ļoti nemierīgā sabiedrībā," viņa sacīja.
"Tas ir tik skumji un tik traģiski. Savā ziņā tā ir aisberga redzamā daļa, jo mums ir ārkārtīgi nemierīga sabiedrība. Un ir ārkārtīgi svarīgi atzīt, ka neviens no mums nav pasargāts no tā sekām."
Kur slēpjas vaina?
"Dārdoņas, ko es šobrīd dzirdu dažās vietās, ir tā ir vardarbība, ko viņš ir pastrādājis pret citām," sacīja Steins, atsaucoties uz Trampu.
"Esmu dzirdējis ļoti skumjus, nožēlojamus dārdoņus. Šis nav īstais brīdis, lai apsūdzētu vardarbības upuri. Taču tas ir mūsu kā sabiedrības problēmas simbols. Mēs šobrīd atrodamies karojošās nometnēs. , un mums kā cilvēkiem ir jābūt līdzjūtīgiem."
74 gadus vecais Steins sestdien tikās ar Milvoki kopienas locekļiem, kuru "ļoti skārusi vardarbība".
"Viņi dzīvo ar šiem vardarbības jautājumiem un to, kā to pārvarēt. Un man jāsaka, ka mani ļoti iespaido viņu empātijas un kopības sajūta," sacīja Šteins.
Vai jūs baidāties no kampaņas?
"Cilvēki man bieži jautā, kāpēc es kandidēju šajā ļoti bīstamajā vidē, ja ir tik daudz naidīguma pret kandidātiem, kuri pieceļas un saka lietas neatkarīgi no tā, vai esat sistēmas iekšienē vai ārpus tās," sacīja Šteins.
"Un mana atbilde uz to vienmēr ir bijusi: lietas, no kurām es patiešām baidos? Klimata pārmaiņas mūs šeit izsitīs no ūdens, un tas varētu notikt acumirklī."
Pārtikas apgādes problēmas, "briesmīgā inflācija", strukturālā sairšana, sociālās kohēzijas "sabrukums" un karš ir tas, kas viņu neļauj naktīs nomodā.
"Tas ir tas, ko es jūtos apdraudēta, jo īpaši no daudzajiem konfliktiem, kuros mēs esam iesaistīti, pāriet uz kodolenerģiju. Varēju redzēt, ka Ukrainā mēs ejam uz kodolenerģiju," viņa paskaidroja.
"Lietas virzās uz augšu pa eskalācijas kāpnēm tādā veidā, kas ir absolūti biedējoši.
Vai jūs no tā baidāties vairāk nekā no ieroča?
— Absolūti, — Steins uzsvēra. "Un, ja mēs pieļaujam, ka bailes no slepkavas lodes neļauj mums kā sabiedrībai mobilizēties pret šīm ļoti skaidrajām briesmām, kas apdraud mūsu kā sabiedrības izdzīvošanu, mēs nonākam lielās nepatikšanās."
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Šodien, 10:07
Džo Baidenam izstājoties no cīņas par nākamā ASV prezidenta amatu, par reālāko demokrātu kandidāti uzskata ASV viceprezidenti Kamalu Herisu. Viņu izvirzīt augustā gaidāmajā Demokrātu partijas konventā aicinājis arī Baidens. Jau izskanējušas vairākas versijas, kurš varētu būt Herisas virzītais ASV viceprezidenta kandidāts. Vienlaikus arī Herisas nominācija nav garantēta, un tie paši, kuri tiek minēti kā viņas cīņu biedri, iespējams, varētu būt arī Herisas konkurenti.
Klaunāde. Operācijas nosaukums Trumpis pret Kamieli.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Haha,Trumpis ir tikai otrais populārākais republikānis 2024 gada (Q2 2024). Pirmais ir neviens cits kā Terminātors! https://today.yougov.com/ratings/politic...licans/all
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
2024-08-18 2:04
(This post was last modified: 2024-08-18 2:07 by LvSnor.)
Nu vēlēšanās iestājies posms, kad tēli no jēgpilnas analīzes pārvēršas mīmos
“Kamala Harris is a radical California liberal who broke the economy, broke the border and broke the world, frankly,” Trump told reporters.
"Kamala Herisa ir radikāla Kalifornijas liberāle, kurš salauza ekonomiku, salauza robežu un salauza pasauli, atklāti sakot," žurnālistiem sacīja Tramps.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
2024-08-19 0:28
(This post was last modified: 2024-08-19 0:44 by LvSnor.)
The insider attacks, which come as other backers are calling for Trump to take a more disciplined, policy-oriented approach to his campaign, highlight a new vulnerability in one of the loudest corners of Trump’s nationwide base.
Trumpja popularitātei negaidīts apdraudējums, pret viņu un viņa palīgiem sola vērsties sabiedrotie - galēji labējie, jo Trumpis neesot pietiekami galēji labējs!
To redz sauc par demokrātiju!
Far-right influencers turn against Trump campaign
Hard-right provocateurs take aim at how the former president’s aides are positioning him for the November vote -- though not at the Republican candidate himself.
By Drew Harwell
Updated August 18, 2024 at 10:17 a.m. EDT|Published August 18, 2024 at 7:05 a.m. EDT
Some of the internet’s most influential far-right figures are turning against former president Donald Trump’s campaign, threatening a digital “war” against the Republican candidate’s aides and allies that could complicate the party’s calls for unity in the final weeks of the presidential race.
Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and podcaster who dined with Trump at his Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago in 2022, said on X that Trump’s campaign was “blowing it” by not positioning itself more to the right and was “headed for a catastrophic loss,” in a post that by Wednesday had been viewed 2.6 million times.
Laura Loomer, a far-right activist whom Trump last year called “very special,” said his “weak” surrogates had unraveled his momentum and that his approach “needs to change FAST because we can’t talk about a stolen election for another 4 years,” in an X post that was “liked” more than 8,000 times.
And Candace Owens, a far-right influencer with 5 million X followers who was photographed with Trump in March, described the conservative infighting in a podcast Tuesday as a “MAGA Civil War” fueled by anger that Trump’s policies and persona had been softened to boost his mainstream appeal.
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“I’m just not sure who is driving the MAGA bus anymore,” she said, making it clear that like other vocal far-right influencers, her problem isn’t with Trump but with his staff. “You’re losing that support from the people that believed in you. … You need those people.”
The insider attacks, which come as other backers are calling for Trump to take a more disciplined, policy-oriented approach to his campaign, highlight a new vulnerability in one of the loudest corners of Trump’s nationwide base. With millions of followers, the far-right provocateurs have long been one of the most reliable engines for winning Trump attention online, helping to build the viral energy that boosted his political career and his strong lead among predominantly White male voters. Trump embraced far-right internet celebrities before the 2016 and 2020 elections, even welcoming some to the White House for a 2019 “social media summit.”
As Trump’s campaign grapples with slumping performance in the polls, the far-right activists argue that it has failed by not adopting harder-right positions on race and immigration. They have also called for the campaign to fire its co-managers, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, blaming them for a lackluster strategy.
Many of the campaign’s hard-right critics said they still stand strongly behind Trump himself. But some of them have vowed to pummel the campaign online and at Trump rallies unless it changes course, presenting a challenge for campaign officials who have worked to publicly disavow or disregard extreme voices for fear they could alienate voters.
Trump’s retooling of his campaign on Thursday, including rehiring his 2016 campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, prompted Fuentes to declare a “first victory” of his campaign, despite Trump’s public praise for LaCivita and Wiles. Online, Loomer mocked Fuentes as having “nothing to do” with the return of Lewandowski — co-author of the book “Let Trump Be Trump” — and said he should “stop pretending like he is calling the shots.”
Some campaign officials previously argued that the far-right influencers offer value by amplifying political messages to their audiences. But the more overt recent attacks of Fuentes and his followers, who call themselves “groypers,” have become a “noisy” and counterproductive distraction to the campaign, said a person familiar with its operations, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
“If anything, [Fuentes] is hurting the idea of getting fresh blood into the campaign, because it makes it far more difficult for Trump if it looks like he’s responding to the groypers,” the person said.
Asked for comment, Trump’s campaign referred to a Truth Social post on Aug. 11 in which Trump said he was “leading in almost all of the REAL polls” and that his team was “doing a great job.”
In an appearance that day on CBS, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, called Fuentes a “total loser” and said the proper response was to “ignore” trolls like him until they “go away.”
But the far-right criticism has proved agitating for some of Trump’s most devoted online cheerleaders. Brenden Dilley, a pro-Trump podcaster in Georgia, on Monday asked whether Fuentes and others who had attacked Trump were all part of a secret psychological operation, or “psy-op,” designed to “reinforce the Kamala Harris surge narrative.”
“I’ve got a job to do, and these people are a problem,” Dilley said. “Are they being compensated? Are they being deployed as a collective? I do not know.” (Fuentes said he was not paid and took action only to further his views, which he defined as “far-right reactionary.”)
Colin Henry, a researcher at George Washington University who has studied political extremism online, said influencers on the far right have grown visibly frustrated in recent weeks by Trump’s fading performance in the polls and the campaign’s disavowal of hard-line policy proposals, such as Project 2025. “They saw that as a shot across the bow from the mainstream folks, who wanted to do all this stuff with policy and institutions,” he said.
The anger of far-right influencers matters because they have proved adept at “punching above their weight” in conservative circles in a way that could bedevil Trump’s campaign, said Ben Lorber, a senior researcher at Political Research Associates, a think tank in Massachusetts that monitors right-wing groups.
“This movement has the ability to move conservative discourse and to open up space far to the right of acceptable conservative opinion for people like Trump to move further rightward,” he said.
Far-right activist Laura Loomer has criticized Trump's surrogates as “weak.” (Jacob M. Langston for The Washington Post)
During Trump’s conversation Monday with X’s billionaire owner Elon Musk, Fuentes directed his followers via live stream to repeatedly post their views on X, where several of their demands for changes in the campaign sailed to the top of the platform’s trending topics.
His followers led a parallel effort on Trump’s social media platform Truth Social, and the messages, such as #NoMoreImmigration, still ranked among the top hashtags the morning after the interview. #FireLaCivita, with 20,000 recent posts, overshadowed even #Trump2024. Fuentes has also told his followers they should start collecting the phone numbers and email addresses of campaign officials so as to contact them en masse.
In an interview, Fuentes said he intends to push his followers to adopt “guerrilla” tactics and “escalate pressure in the real world,” including through mass appearances at Trump rallies in battleground states such as Michigan, until the campaign meets their demands to stop “pandering to independents.” He has urged followers to withhold their votes for Trump, saying it is the only way to awaken a campaign that has “no energy … [and] no enthusiasm.”
“If they blame me for Trump losing, so be it,” he said. “He’ll have lost because he stopped talking to the MAGA base he had in 2016.” (Loomer and Owens did not respond to requests for comment.)
Jared Holt, a senior researcher at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue who studies hate and extremism online, said that Fuentes has seemed to lose some of the influence and cachet he gained during Trump’s presidency but that he retains a “cult following” among young conservatives who could indirectly influence the campaign “to adopt more extreme positions.”
Collaborators of Fuentes have worked for far-right members of Congress, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.). And at times, messages from Fuentes — who calls for a white ethnostate in the United States, in which even legal immigration is banned — and more established pro-Trump accounts have closely aligned.
A Tuesday tweet by the campaign account @TrumpWarRoom labeled a photo of Black men “Your Neighborhood Under Kamala” and warned: “Import the third world. Become the third world.”
Vance has been asked about Trump’s dinner with Fuentes several times in TV interviews, telling ABC on Aug. 11 that “just because you talk to somebody doesn’t mean you endorse their views.”
On live streams and social media, Fuentes has marshaled his followers to launch what he is calling “Groyper War 2” — a sequel to a series of chaotic spectacles in 2019, during which they appeared en masse at speaking events of people they deemed “fake conservatives” to heckle and pepper them with provocative questions over issues such as race and LGBTQ+ rights.
Amanda Moore, a left-wing activist and researcher who has followed Fuentes’s group, said that effort was “extremely successful” in helping far-right influencers publicize their ideology.
“Their objective is to push the party to the right. And they got exactly what they wanted,” Moore said, adding that the group’s success has proved costly for Trump by making his base more volatile. “This is what happens when you’re walking the line for years. This is where it’s going to get you.”
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Ziņa: 2'115
Virtenes: 541
Pievienojies: 2019 Sep
Kamala Grants Joint Interview With Walz To Leftist CNN Anchor Dana Bash
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024 - 03:25 PM
Authored by Luis Cornelio via HeadlineUSA.com,,
Vice President Kamala Harris has finally agreed to an interview after weeks of avoiding the press since being anointed as the Democratic nominee for president.
Those expecting a tough interview with hard-hitting questions might find themselves disappointed because it will be held on CNN and hosted by left-leaning anchor Dana Bash.
In an unusual move, Harris will also share the spotlight with her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.
The pre-taped interview will air at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday, roughly 39 days after President Joe Biden exited the 2024 race and endorsed Harris as his successor.
Since announcing her presidential bid, Harris has avoided major media interactions. Instead, she has opted to speak off-the-record, meaning reporters cannot report or repeat her statements.
Despite clinching the Democratic nomination, Harris has yet to issue a major policy platform or thoroughly explain why her aides have walked back some of her most radical policies.
Harris, once dubbed the most liberal senator, has reversed her positions on a range of issues, including Medicare-for-All, fracking, re-structuring ICE, and more recently, her criticism of the border wall and support for an electric vehicle mandate.
She has also distanced herself from decriminalizing illegal border crossings, packing the Supreme Court, defunding the police and the Green New Deal.
On social media, several Harris critics pointed out that Bash suggested that Bash is unlikely to challenge Harris on her frequent flip-flopping or clarify which policies she currently supports.
Some noted that Bash was once married to Jeremy Bash, an Obama administration operative involved in the infamous letter incorrectly suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs