ACE uzstādījumi
Svaigākie ACE uzstādījumi, tagad vajadzētu strādāt arī tēmekļiem.

.txt   ACE_settings.txt (Size: 16,72 KB / Downloads: 361)
ACE setingi novembris 2021 Big Grin

.txt   ACE_settings_11_2021.txt (Size: 27,56 KB / Downloads: 300)
ACE uzstādījumi 2024 Big Grin

.txt   ACE_settings_2024.txt (Size: 33,41 KB / Downloads: 124)
Atjaunoti ACE uzstādījumi @Aprīlis_2024... tiesa, staminai jau vajadzētu būt atslēgtai, pie servera restarta varbūt var pārbaudīt, vai misijas parametri to neoverraido.

.txt   ACE_settings_2024_04.txt (Size: 33,78 KB / Downloads: 121)
ACE uzstādījumi, 2024. gada decembris Smile

.txt   ACE_settings_2024_12.txt (Size: 36,07 KB / Downloads: 36)
Nu tad mēģinam šos... saliku ķekšus pie "Overwrite mission", tagad vajadzētu būt atrubītai stamīnai (nu tipa, nogurumam nevajadzētu parādīties vispār), karoč jātestē...

.txt   ACE_settings_2024_12_2.txt (Size: 36,59 KB / Downloads: 38)

Settings can be exported using the export function (described below) and be pasted into an optional file in the userconfig folder. The filepath is
Arma 3\userconfig\cba_settings.sqf
, where "Arma 3" is the games installation folder.
This works for a dedicated server as well as the clients, but requires the
startup parameter.
Alternatively one can use Addon Builder to create a PBO that contains the userconfig settings file. The addon is called
and can be found in the template folder. An empty cba_settings.sqf is already placed inside. The binarized PBO could be placed inside the
folder or a custom addon could be created (and could also be uploaded to the Steam Workshop etc.). This method does not require file patching to be enabled.
Userconfig limitations
  • Settings defined in the userconfig cannot be changed in the ingame settings menu.
  • (v3.15.8 or earlier) Setting values in the userconfig cannot be multiline (arrays must be defined in single line etc.)
Export and Import Function

Settings can be exported to the clipboard and imported from the clipboard using the ingame settings menu in a format that can be stored in any type of text file.
The exported settings can be pasted into the various cba_settings.sqf files described above.
Note that the Import and Export functions might not be available in multiplayer, because Arma disables the clipboard for security reasons.
Add Settings File To Mission Without CBA
requires 3.5
file of a mission is ignored by default. If the file is present when the mission is saved in the editor, a flag will be set and enable the mission to read the file. This only works if CBA is present when the mission is saved. To avoid creating a dependency, the mission maker can manually add the flag to the
cba_settings_hasSettingsFile = 1;

Note that this will crash the mission on a dedicated server if the file is not present in the mission.
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
Video, kur čuvaks kaut ko dara ar Linux serveri un ACE (pats nenoskatījos):
(2024-12-30 12:50)hobbit_lv Raksta: Video, kur čuvaks kaut ko dara ar Linux serveri un ACE (pats nenoskatījos):

Nu es teikšu tā, psihoanalīze ieskatās cilvēkā krietni seklāk nekā viņa darbošanās linux konsolē Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
(2024-12-19 20:53)hobbit_lv Raksta: Nu tad mēģinam šos... saliku ķekšus pie "Overwrite mission", tagad vajadzētu būt atrubītai stamīnai (nu tipa, nogurumam nevajadzētu parādīties vispār), karoč jātestē...

Ielādēju  cba_settings.sqf  un pārlaidu serveri. It kā iet, bet jāpārbauda kaujā!
"Kā cilvēks, kam trūkst pašcieņas, nav dīdzējs, bet nīcējs, tā arī tauta, kurai nav pašapziņas." K.Mīlenbahs
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